Turnbull China Bikeride
Turnbull China Bikeride - Disc 2.iso
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-- --
-- --
-- S Y S T E M . T A S K _ P R I M I T I V E S --
-- --
-- S p e c --
-- (Compiler Interface) --
-- --
-- $Revision: 1.5 $ --
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 1992,1993,1994,1995 Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNARL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNARL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License distributed with GNARL; see file COPYING. If not, write --
-- to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, --
-- MA 02111-1307, USA. --
-- --
-- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from this --
-- unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an executable, --
-- this unit does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be --
-- covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not --
-- however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be --
-- covered by the GNU Public License. --
-- --
-- GNARL was developed by the GNARL team at Florida State University. It is --
-- now maintained by Ada Core Technologies Inc. in cooperation with Florida --
-- State University (http://www.gnat.com). --
-- --
-- This package provides low-level support for most tasking features.
-- Not included is support for Clock, which is in package System.Task_Clock.
-- Note: this spec is not directly part of the compiler interface, but it
-- is used by System.Tasking_Abortion, which is part of the interface.
-- This is a dummy version of this package (no tasking support).
with System.Task_Clock;
-- Used for, Stimespec
with Unchecked_Conversion;
with System.Task_Info;
package System.Task_Primitives is
-- Low level Task size and state definition
type LL_Task_Procedure_Access is access procedure (Arg : System.Address);
type Pre_Call_State is new System.Address;
type Task_Storage_Size is new Integer;
type Machine_Exceptions is new Integer;
type Error_Information is new Integer;
type Lock is private;
type Condition_Variable is private;
-- The above types should both be limited. They are not due to a hack in
-- ATCB allocation which allocates a block of the correct size and then
-- assigns an initialized ATCB to it. This won't work with limited types.
-- When allocation is done with new, these can become limited once again.
-- ???
type Task_Control_Block is record
LL_Arg : System.Address;
end record;
type TCB_Ptr is access all Task_Control_Block;
-- Task ATCB related and variables.
function Address_To_TCB_Ptr is new
Unchecked_Conversion (System.Address, TCB_Ptr);
procedure Initialize_LL_Tasks (T : TCB_Ptr);
-- Initialize GNULLI. T points to the Task Control Block that should
-- be initialized for use by the environment task.
function Self return TCB_Ptr;
-- Return a pointer to the Task Control Block of the calling task.
procedure Initialize_Lock (Prio : System.Priority; L : in out Lock);
-- Initialize a lock object. Prio is the ceiling priority associated
-- with the lock.
procedure Finalize_Lock (L : in out Lock);
-- Finalize a lock object, freeing any resources allocated by the
-- corresponding Initialize_Lock.
procedure Write_Lock (L : in out Lock; Ceiling_Violation : out Boolean);
-- Lock a lock object for write access to a critical section. After
-- this operation returns, the calling task owns the lock, and
-- no other Write_Lock or Read_Lock operation on the same object will
-- return the owner executes an Unlock operation on the same object.
procedure Read_Lock (L : in out Lock; Ceiling_Violation : out Boolean);
-- Lock a lock object for read access to a critical section. After
-- this operation returns, the calling task owns the lock, and
-- no other Write_Lock operation on the same object will return until
-- the owner(s) execute Unlock operation(s) on the same object.
-- A Read_Lock to an owned lock object may return while the lock is
-- still owned, though an implementation may also implement
-- Read_Lock to have the same semantics.
procedure Unlock (L : in out Lock);
-- Unlock a locked lock object. The results are undefined if the
-- calling task does not own the lock. Lock/Unlock operations must
-- be nested, that is, the argument to Unlock must be the object
-- most recently locked.
procedure Initialize_Cond (Cond : in out Condition_Variable);
-- Initialize a condition variable object.
procedure Finalize_Cond (Cond : in out Condition_Variable);
-- Finalize a condition variable object, recovering any resources
-- allocated for it by Initialize_Cond.
procedure Cond_Wait (Cond : in out Condition_Variable; L : in out Lock);
-- Wait on a condition variable. The mutex object L is unlocked
-- atomically, such that another task that is able to lock the mutex
-- can be assured that the wait has actually commenced, and that
-- a Cond_Signal operation will cause the waiting task to become
-- eligible for execution once again. Before Cond_Wait returns,
-- the waiting task will again lock the mutex. The waiting task may become
-- eligible for execution at any time, but will become eligible for
-- execution when a Cond_Signal operation is performed on the
-- same condition variable object. The effect of more than one
-- task waiting on the same condition variable is unspecified.
procedure Cond_Timed_Wait
(Cond : in out Condition_Variable;
L : in out Lock; Abs_Time : System.Task_Clock.Stimespec;
Timed_Out : out Boolean);
-- Wait on a condition variable, as for Cond_Wait, above. In addition,
-- the waiting task will become eligible for execution again
-- when the absolute time specified by Timed_Out arrives.
procedure Cond_Signal (Cond : in out Condition_Variable);
-- Wake up a task waiting on the condition variable object specified
-- by Cond, making it eligible for execution once again.
procedure Set_Priority (T : TCB_Ptr; Prio : System.Priority);
-- Set the priority of the task specified by T to P.
procedure Set_Own_Priority (Prio : System.Priority);
-- Set the priority of the calling task to P.
function Get_Priority (T : TCB_Ptr) return System.Priority;
-- Return the priority of the task specified by T.
function Get_Own_Priority return System.Priority;
-- Return the priority of the calling task.
procedure Create_LL_Task
(Priority : System.Priority;
Stack_Size : Task_Storage_Size;
Task_Info : System.Task_Info.Task_Info_Type;
LL_Entry_Point : LL_Task_Procedure_Access;
Arg : System.Address;
T : TCB_Ptr);
-- Create a new low-level task with priority Priority. A new thread
-- of control is created with a stack size of at least Stack_Size,
-- and the procedure LL_Entry_Point is called with the argument Arg
-- from this new thread of control. The Task Control Block pointed
-- to by T is initialized to refer to this new task.
procedure Exit_LL_Task;
-- Exit a low-level task. The resources allocated for the task
-- by Create_LL_Task are recovered. The task no longer executes, and
-- the effects of further operations on task are unspecified.
procedure Abort_Task (T : TCB_Ptr);
-- Abort the task specified by T (the target task). This causes
-- the target task to asynchronously execute the handler procedure
-- installed by the target task using Install_Abort_Handler. The
-- effect of this operation is unspecified if there is no abort
-- handler procedure for the target task.
procedure Test_Abort;
-- ??? Obsolete? This is intended to allow implementation of
-- abortion and ATC in the absence of an asynchronous Abort_Task,
-- but I think that we decided that GNARL can handle this on
-- its own by making sure that there is an Undefer_Abortion at
-- every abortion synchronization point.
type Abort_Handler_Pointer is access procedure (Context : Pre_Call_State);
procedure Install_Abort_Handler (Handler : Abort_Handler_Pointer);
-- Install an abort handler procedure. This procedure is called
-- asynchronously by the calling task whenever a call to Abort_Task
-- specifies the calling task as the target. If the abort handler
-- procedure is asynchronously executed during a GNULLI operation
-- and then calls some other GNULLI operation, the effect is unspecified.
procedure Install_Error_Handler (Handler : System.Address);
-- Install an error handler for the calling task. The handler will
-- be called synchronously if an error is encountered during the
-- execution of the calling task.
procedure LL_Assert (B : Boolean; M : String);
-- If B is False, print the string M to the console and halt the
-- program.
Task_Wrapper_Frame : constant Integer := 72;
-- This is the size of the frame for the Pthread_Wrapper procedure.
type Proc is access procedure (Addr : System.Address);
-- Test and Set support
type TAS_Cell is private;
-- On some systems we can not assume that an arbitrary memory location
-- can be used in an atomic test and set instruction (e.g. on some
-- multiprocessor machines, only memory regions are cache interlocked).
-- TAS_Cell is private to facilitate adaption to a variety of
-- implementations.
procedure Initialize_TAS_Cell (Cell : out TAS_Cell);
pragma Inline (Initialize_TAS_Cell);
-- Initialize a Test And Set Cell. On some targets this will allocate
-- a system-level lock object from a special pool. For most systems,
-- this is a nop.
procedure Finalize_TAS_Cell (Cell : in out TAS_Cell);
pragma Inline (Finalize_TAS_Cell);
-- Finalize a Test and Set cell, freeing any resources allocated by the
-- corresponding Initialize_TAS_Cell.
procedure Clear (Cell : in out TAS_Cell);
pragma Inline (Clear);
-- Set the state of the named TAS_Cell such that a subsequent call to
-- Is_Set will return False. This operation must be atomic with
-- respect to the Is_Set and Test_And_Set operations for the same
-- cell.
procedure Test_And_Set (Cell : in out TAS_Cell; Result : out Boolean);
pragma Inline (Test_And_Set);
-- Modify the state of the named TAS_Cell such that a subsequent call
-- to Is_Set will return True. Result is set to True if Is_Set
-- was False prior to the call, False otherwise. This operation must
-- be atomic with respect to the Clear and Is_Set operations for the
-- same cell.
function Is_Set (Cell : in TAS_Cell) return Boolean;
pragma Inline (Is_Set);
-- Returns the current value of the named TAS_Cell. This operation
-- must be atomic with respect to the Clear and Test_And_Set operations
-- for the same cell.
type Lock is new Integer;
type Condition_Variable is new Integer;
type TAS_Cell is new Integer;
end System.Task_Primitives;